
There are many ways you can get involved in GLCC SHRM.  

1. You can Become a Member - there are a number of benefits of membership in GLCC SHRM 

2. Speak at an Event - if you have a topic that would be of interest to our membership 

3.  Sponsor an Event - Get extra coverage of your business Become a Volunteer Leader -

Become a Member

Join the GLCC SHRM Chapter Today!  For more information and to join - click HERE.

SpeaK at an upcoming chapter event

GLCC SHRM welcomes professionals who are interested in speaking at an upcoming GLCC SHRM Chapter meeting to please complete the speaker interest form which can be found below.   You can either download the application (in either Word or PDF format) or complete the online application. Your submittal will be reviewed by our Programming Chair. If you have questions prior to submission please visit our “meet the board” page for contact information. Thank you in advance for your interest.



The Greater Lorain County Chapter of SHRM (GLCC SHRM) is a non-profit affiliate of the global organization known as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). GLCC SHRM is an association comprised primarily of Human Resource professionals who work, live, study or do business in Lorain County, Ohio. We provide a forum for personal and professional development as well as networking opportunities for our members. 

We are pleased to offer several opportunities for local organizations to partner with GLCC SHRM by offering various sponsorship choices; all of which are outlined below. By sponsoring GLCC SHRM, you will have the opportunity to reach local top Human Resource professionals, many who make buying decisions for employers right here in northeast Ohio. All of the sponsorship details can be found on our Sponsorship Agreement Form.  If you have questions please contact us at glccshrm@yahoo.com


Nomination and Election Schedule: Call for nominations:  

Interested individuals must submit email to glccshrm@yahoo.com no later than November 30th Voting will occur in December.


Board positions for our chapter.

PROGRAM CHAIR   Position Summary:  Manage the activities of the program committee to provide monthly and satellite programs for the chapter membership.   


o Chair meetings of the program committee to select topics and speakers for monthly program and satellite meetings in order to provide information on topics of broad interest to chapter members. 

o Recruit members to serve on program committee. 

o Coordinate efforts with other members of the chapter board of directors to best serve the membership. 

o Serve as resource to committee members in arranging monthly meetings. 

o Contact potential speakers and make arrangements for selected meetings.  Write articles for newsletters describing the programs. o Provide information regarding programs and services to the administrative office, newsletter editor, members, and others through presentations, written communications, and personal contact. 

o Review final preparations for meetings to assure that meetings run smoothly. 

o Review program evaluations for feedback to be used in planning future events. 

o Serve as liaison between the members of the program committee. 

o Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter. 

o Represent the chapter in the human resources community. 

o Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.   

MEMBERSHIP   Position Summary:  Manage the membership function to successfully achieve an increase in chapter membership. Guide the activities of the following committees:  volunteers, membership, membership directory, awards, and hospitality.   Responsibilities:  

o Direct and support the activities of chairs and members of the volunteers committee, membership committee, membership directory committee, awards committee, and hospitality committee.  Coordinate their activities to support the chapter's mission.  Recruit members to serve on these committees. 

o Compile applicants' employment data and membership committee's recommendation for status; present to the board of directors at each month's meeting. 

o Respond to requests for information about membership through telephone calls, personal contacts, and correspondence. 

o Notify each applicant in writing of membership status; contact applicants from whom more information is needed to evaluate application. 

o Assist the membership directory chair for the printing of the annual membership directory and addendums for distribution. 

o Maintain supplies of membership materials:  applications, informational brochures, etc. 

o Carry out ad hoc assignments of president (e.g., membership promotion, recommendation of membership criteria changes, etc.) 

o Plan prospective member events. 

o Obtain quarterly lists of at-large members (SHRM members who are not members of any chapter) in your area through the online request form.  Source those lists to invite at-large members to your chapter events.  

o Act as a liaison between the board of directors and the committee chairs.  

o Attend monthly membership and board of directors meetings. 

o Participate in the SHRM Membership Core Leadership Area conference calls and webcasts. 

o Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter. 

o Represent the chapter in the human resources community. 

o Complete other assignments as requested by the president or the board of directors. 

SECRETARY Position Summary:  Take minutes of chapter meetings, provide notice of meetings and general correspondence.  Maintain chapter records and history.  


Upon the advice of the president, the secretary should issue notice of officer and board of directors' meetings.  After consultation with the president, the secretary could prepare copies of the agenda for such meetings. 

o Maintain a record of attendance and prepare the minutes of all officers' and directors' meetings and regular chapter meetings. 

o Keep an up-to-date roster of names and addresses of all chapter members.  If addresses are changed, the secretary should notify SHRM headquarters. 

o Distribute to the membership all meeting announcements, newsletters, and other information.  This information should also be sent to the district director, the state director, and your SHRM Regional Team. 

o Transmit all necessary annual election information to the membership and advise SHRM through the use of the online Chapter Leader Information Form (CLIF). 

o Chair the telephone committee, organizing members to call other members, informing them about meetings, speakers, events, changes, etc. 

o File all personnel information, job opportunity letters, and other pertinent information (if chapter engages paid staff). 

o Handle all correspondence in relation to SHRM membership applications and forward all applications to SHRM upon receipt. 

o File in the Chapter Procedures Manual or other permanent record: 

     - Those original chapter bylaws and dated copies of each amendment to those bylaws. 

     - A list of current officers, committee members, and general membership. 

     - Copies of all chapter publications. 

     - Approved and signed minutes of all board of directors and membership meetings. 

     - Chapter Charter 

     - Legal documents such as IRS Letters of Determination, Articles of Incorporation 

o Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter. 

o Represent the chapter in the human resources community. 

o Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.